
So you have experienced success one way, achieved the impossible, impacted so many lives and fought really hard to reach this place of equilibrium. Now, something inside you has a strong sense that there is a more intuitive wholeness available to create the next level of success on your own terms this time.

It is time to create money, relationships and life from the inside out.

Are you ready to have everything your heart desires?
Leave behind feeling unfulfilled in your work or life, to stop continually working really hard with very little reward and to finally end that constant worry about not making enough money or being enough to achieve what you want.
It can feel like the universe or outside higher forces are conspiring against you and making you have to work even harder for everything you want, especially when the world is thrown into uncertainty.
I totally felt like this too, constantly battling against impossibilities.
I promise you these forces, they do actually want to corroborate with you and always be on your side, except there is this one thing getting in their way.
You see, if the universe or higher outside forces caved in, let you have all your heart desires this hard work way, it would mean and confirm to you that this way works.
So you would continue doing everything the hard work way.
Which at times, becomes the main detriment to your;
These forces, they just won’t collaborate with you to have it all this hard work way.
The way in which sees you stuck in a continual cycle of sleepless nights, worry, panic and work harder thoughts.
It is this one thing getting in the way of you having the universes or higher outside forces full co-operation and attention.


The truth is, before you would have avoided feelings, emotions and listening to your heart because that always seemed to get in the way of what you were trying to achieve, they felt so unpredictable and filled with uncertainty.

Yet, when you have had glimpses of ease, flow and days filled full of joy where everything seemed to be going really well for you, something happens and those times never seem to last.

That one thing that takes you closer, to having everything your heart desires.
Pulling back, making space, giving yourself a break and fully dialing into the frequency of what your heart really wants you to do with this gift of life and then trusting that without questioning whether it is the right or wrong thing to do. No matter who or what accepts or validates you, walking a path with no evidence or proof something will work out there and following what is true for you. The universe or higher outside forces will always respond to you, there are no confusing or mixed messages out there to get in the way of this channel of all you.

Are you ready now to let go of the hard work way and have everything your heart desires? 

My signature transformation program Wealthy You – connecting you to the frequency of the powers that BE, could be an amazing fit for you.

If you are already feeling this higher frequency in you by being here, let me gift you an initial soulful chat.

What Heather’s

Work is not

Heather is NOT the transformational coach for you if you want someone to tell you how to get the thing you want or to teach you what to do to get the thing you want, Heather is there because she holds you while you become the thing you want. 

connect with Heather to dial up & fully tune in to your greatness